Kimberly S. Jaussi, Ph.D. is an associate professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership in the School of Management at Binghamton University and a fellow in the Center for Leadership Studies. She received her doctorate from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California and her undergraduate degree in economics from Smith College. Her research interests include strategic leadership for creativity and innovation, unconventional leader behavior, followership for creativity, organizational commitment, and identity and diversity in teams.
At the University of Southern California and at Binghamton University (SUNY), Kim has taught courses in strategy, organizational behavior, global leadership, and strategic leadership at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels. She was the School of Management’s teaching award winner in 2002, and the Delta Sigma Pi Faculty of the Year in 2005. She is the faculty coadvisor of the BU chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and for Beta Gamma Sigma. Her research has appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Leadership Quarterly, the Journal of Organization and Leadership Studies, and Organizational Dynamics. In addition, Kim serves on the editorial board of The Leadership Quarterly, has published several book chapters, and has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal. In collaboration with a team of researchers from Binghamton University, Kim co-authored The Dream Weavers: Strategy Focused Leadership, (Information Age Press, 2004), a book based on interviews with over 75 CEOs of mid-large size companies in the U.S. and Israel which examines strategic leadership as it happens at the top of organizations. Prior to attending USC, Kim worked closely with Judy B. Rosener, Ph.D. at the University of California, Irvine researching diversity and male/female differences in leadership. During her graduate studies at USC, Kim worked at the Center for Effective Organizations studying learning organizations and technology-focused employees.
Through her research collaboration with Play (a Richmond, VA based creativity and innovation consultancy) Kim has surveyed and analyzed creativity and innovation leadership drivers for a number of Fortune 500 organizations across many industries. In the fall of 2006, both Kim and Play were part of the Fortune Innovation Forum in New York. There, Forum attendees completed a collaborative survey (designed by Kim and Play) and interacted with Play through the Innovator’s Studio.
Overall, Kim has assisted numerous organizations with their strategic leadership and leadership development, including aerospace and petroleum organizations, service based organizations, health-care organizations, and non-profit groups. Her work (with Jay Conger) has also been presented to the International Consortium of Executive Development and Research (ICEDR) at Harvard University. Her current focus builds on Conger’s work on unconventional leadership behavior and experientially-based leadership development. In keeping with her roots, Kim has developed a unique, cutting-edge equine assisted leadership development and team-building series of programs that utilizes horses as the experiential context for training and development.